Student reception

Student reception

About student reception

The student reception is our way of welcoming all new students at the programs which NTK represents. During the student reception activities are held by NTK and the programs’ generals and phadders. It is a super fun period at the beginning of the autumn semester and everyone who participates gets memories for life! 

Further down on this page you will find the reception schedules for the programs.

Hi! I am the Head of Social Matters and therefore responsible for the student reception at NTK.

If you have any questions regarding the student reception you can contact me or someone in the reception group for your program. Contact information to the reception groups can be found in the reception schedules.



Studiesociala enhetens ordförande
Head of Social Matters
070-606 62 77

Introductory Algebra AKA Preppmatte

In the reception schedule you may find references to “Preppmatte”. This is the short course Introductory algebra, and is mainly for students starting an engineering program. It is a 1,5 HP course meant to freshen up your mathematical skills before the regular courses start. 

Introductory lectures by the university

The university has introductory lectures with information for new students. More information to come.