CSN and NTK emergency loan
As a student you can apply to get grant and loan from CSN. You can apply for full time or part time studies. Foreign citizens need to meet certain conditions to get it.
Sometimes unexpected things happen and therefore NTK offer an emergency loan to its members.
At the CSN website you can apply to get a grant and loan during your time studying. The application can be for both full and part time. To get payments you have to be registered at a course and have sent in your study assurance at the CSN website. At most courses you can register online but at some you need to show up at the first lecture to do so.
Notification of illness
If you are not able to study due to illness you should report it to Försäkringskassan. This might lower the requirements to get your CSN grant and loan.
NTK emergency loan
Contact the Head of Social Matters for more information.
Alfred Sörnäs
Studiesociala enhetens ordförande
Head of Social Matters
070-606 62 77