Student query
We handle your student query
The Head of educational matters deals with matters relating to education, and the Head of social matters deals with issues such as equal treatment and the working environment. Read more about what a student query is further down the page.
You can submit a student query either by email or using the form below. You can also come to our offices with a query. We are located in the Universum house at Johan Bures väg 11.
We have a duty of confidentiality!

David Olsson
Utbildningsbevakningsenhetens ordförande
Head of Educational Matters
070-606 62 79

Alfred Sörnäs
Studiesociala enhetens ordförande
Head of Social Matters
070-606 62 77
Send in a student query
A student query is a query about a problem that concerns student life in one way or another. To report a student query regarding your education, work environment, discrimination, violation, special treatment, harassment, stress, well-being, accidents and incidents, you can fill out the form below. Do not forget to fill in your email if you want feedback.
If you do not want to report your query via a form, it is also great to come in to the head of social matters or head of educational matters for NTK at Johan Bures väg 11 in the Universum house. We have a duty of confidentiality and may not pass on any information a student gives us unless the student asks for it.
Forms for study social issues are on the way as a result of a new system where educational matters are tested first.