

The student union’s Units

The Student Union Council has four units with different areas of interest: the unit of educational matters, of information matters, of corporate relations and of social matters. Each unit is led by a chairperson who works full-time during the operational year. The chairs of the units are also members of the student union’s board. Each section elects a representative to each of the four units.

The Unit of Social Matters

The Unit of Social Matters works to improve your time at Umeå University. The unit works with issues related to your study environment, equality and equal treatment, student finances and support functions at the university. The unit’s chairperson works to present the union’s views in the university’s equality and non-discrimination council, house council and other working groups.  This chair is also responsible for the reception and ensures that the reception is organised, developed and improved each year. This is mainly done by organising training for the generals, the reception managers in each programme, in areas such as leadership and group dynamics.

In order for the students who come to Umeå to study at the Faculty of Science and Technology to get the best possible start, all programmes within NTK conduct a reception. The purpose of the reception is to welcome all students so that they feel safe and comfortable on campus and in the city. The reception is also for new students to get to know their classmates and older students on the same programme as well as on the other programmes.

In order to make the reception as good as possible, NTK provides training for the reception managers, the generals, who plan and ensure that the reception is carried out in the different programmes. Each programme has its own reception and its own traditions. In good time before the semester and the reception begins, you will receive information about your programme’s reception. If you have any questions, you can always get in touch with our Head of social matters!


Alfred Sörnäs

Studiesociala enhetens ordförande
Head of Social Matters
070-606 62 77


David Olsson

 Utbildningsbevakningsenhetens ordförande
Head of Educational Matters
070-606 62 79

The Unit of Educational Matters

Every year, students come to the Education Officer with various problems and concerns about their education. This can range from inaccessible schedules, delayed exam results or problems with a teacher. For most students, education is the most important part of their studies and there are many rules and laws that are on their side. It is important to recognise these problems so that they can be addressed and not affect more students. So if you have problems with a teacher, a course or have concerns about something else regarding your education, do not hesitate to contact the Education Officer. NTK is here for you!

Post-graduate questions

The PhD representative at NTK works to improve study and working conditions for doctoral students. Doctoral students are in a particularly vulnerable position as they are in the grey area between being a student and an employee. In addition to being familiar with the rules and laws that apply to doctoral studies, the doctoral student representative can help you if, for example, you get into a conflict with your supervisor.

The PhD representative is himself a doctoral student to ensure that there is an understanding of the specific questions and concerns that doctoral students have. These are usually of a different nature to those of undergraduate students, whose questions are dealt with by other parts of the NTK.

You can reach the PhD representative on phd@ntkumea.se

The Unit of Corporate Relations

The Unit of Corporate Relations’ works with the students’ contact with the corporate world. This can include meetings with employers, CV writing workshops and lectures on how to get the salary you deserve.

Head of Corporate Relations

What does the position entail?
In short, the position means organising cross-sectional events that in some way provide a better business connection for the students in the education and benefit the company / companies. The position requires keeping good contact with the union’s partners and, if necessary, look for new collaborations, as well as having good contact with labour market managers at other unions (both in Umeå and Sweden). The position also means being familiar with the University’s councils/groups/event managers for work and degree-related issues.

What is the fun part?
As Head of Corporate Relations you get to meet some of the country’s nicest people: business representatives! Organising events, both by yourself and in collaboration with others, is probably the most fun part of the job, especially when you get good feedback from students/companies. You feel that what you have done matters!

What challenges are there?
Coordinating and planning events so that they do not clash with everything else going on at the university is not the easiest thing to do. The biggest challenge is knowing how to “sell an event” to companies and engaging students to attend the events.

For companies

As the Chair of the Labour Market Unit is in charge of all contracts, it is hen that you should contact if you want to promote yourself through any of our communication channels.

If you want to know more about what you can do with us, contact the Head of corporate relations.

Read more




Arbetsmarknadsenhetens ordförande
Head of Corporate Relations
070-606 62 80



Vice kårordförande
Vice Chair of the Student Union
070-606 62 78

The Unit of Informational Matters

The unit of informational matters works to ensure that you as a member know what the union is working on. The unit works to spread both general information about NTK but also about what is currently relevant. The chairman of the unit works with all information channels such as our green notice boards on campus, the website and other social media. This chairman ensures that you receive your newsletter every two weeks.